Friday 2 June 2017

All along

All along

All night long, I gaze out the window
Waiting for the sun to come up
Because I can see him when the morning comes

Thank you for holding my hands
Thank you for gazing into my eyes
Thank you, prince of my dreams
For coming to me like this

All day long, I look upon the sky
Waiting for the moon to come up
Because I can talk to him when the night falls

Don’t forget our promises
Don’t forget our secrets
Don’t forget how your eyes

Made my heart pound

Source : from Korean movie - The Black Wolf 

Sunday 19 February 2017

Anger Blocks Ability - Be Forgiving

Anger Blocks Ability - Be Forgiving - A Story

As Leonardo da Vinci was painting the "Lord's supper", one of his aides spilled some paint at a critical moment. 

In anger, the artist took a brush and threw it on the floor and spoke abusive words to the young boy. Distraught, the lad ran away.

The artist continued to paint the face of Jesus. His hand froze, creativity was gone becos negative emotions blocked his creativity. 

He finally went out  searching for the lad. 

When he found him, he hugged him and said "I forgive you, come back.. We all make mistakes . MY MISTAKE OF ANGER WAS WORSE THAN YOUR MISTAKE OF SPILLING THE PAINT ".

After returning with the boy, Da Vinci painted the face of Jesus which has been an inspiration to millions ever since.

Remember, anger blocks ability.

Be cool and more important "Be Forgiving".😄

Monday 16 January 2017

Rules of 5: Lets Pass Praises....Amen

Rule of 5: Lets pass praises.....Amen

If you would go every day to a very large tree and take 5 swings at it with a very sharp axe, eventually , no matter how large the tree, it would have to come down.  

This refers to the "Rule of 5".

This simply means every day, we do 5 specific things that will move our goal towards completion. 

If you were to do a little bit -5 things every day for the next 20 years... 

you write 5 pages a day, 
that would be 36,500 pages of text, 
equivalent to 120 books 
of 300 pages each.

The other way round if you pass 

5 criticism 
for 15 days to your (Spouse, child, parent, friends, colleagues, students etc), 
enough to shatter their self esteem 

or would you pass 

5 Praise 
for 15 days, 
enough to work miracles on them.

Choice is yours, lets pass Praises. Amen

Sunday 15 January 2017

Add value to everything you do

Add value to everything you do. 

When people just do things to get by, that is what they get. 

Do everything with passion, even if you think it isn't worthwhile.

Feel it, live it while you do it but don't do it to please anybody; do it for you. 

You deserve the best. Enjoy it without expecting any reward. 

Put your soul into what you do because what is around you is what you tell the world about who you really are and how far you can reach.

Don't waste your valuable time; keep yourself in a learning mode. 

"Champions aren't made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them - a desire, a dream, a vision. They have to have last-minute stamina, they have to be a little faster, they have to have the skill and the will. But the will must be stronger than the skill." --- Muhammad Ali . 

Author: Anonymous

'Universal law' of what we sow, so we reap

'Universal law' of  what we sow, so we reap

Flemming was a poor Scottish farmer, one day he rescued a boy struggling in the swamp.

The father of the boy Sir Randolph Churchill an Aristocrat thanked Fleming and educated Fleming's son in return of his good will. 

Later the child of poor farmer Fleming has become Sir Alexander Fleming who invented 'Penicillin' the wonderful life saving Antibiotic. 

The son of Aristocratic man suffered with deadly Pneumonia and again he was saved with Penicillin. 

The son of Aristocratic man was Sir Winston Churchill, the Prime Minister of England. 

This incident clearly envisages the 'Universal law' of  what we sow, so we reap.

The help without any expectation can come around in another kind. 

The selfless service rendered to any needy people would not go waste. It reverts back in another form. 

Author : Anonymous