Sunday, 19 February 2017

Anger Blocks Ability - Be Forgiving

Anger Blocks Ability - Be Forgiving - A Story

As Leonardo da Vinci was painting the "Lord's supper", one of his aides spilled some paint at a critical moment. 

In anger, the artist took a brush and threw it on the floor and spoke abusive words to the young boy. Distraught, the lad ran away.

The artist continued to paint the face of Jesus. His hand froze, creativity was gone becos negative emotions blocked his creativity. 

He finally went out  searching for the lad. 

When he found him, he hugged him and said "I forgive you, come back.. We all make mistakes . MY MISTAKE OF ANGER WAS WORSE THAN YOUR MISTAKE OF SPILLING THE PAINT ".

After returning with the boy, Da Vinci painted the face of Jesus which has been an inspiration to millions ever since.

Remember, anger blocks ability.

Be cool and more important "Be Forgiving".😄